In the era of the peach emoji, a toned and sculpted booty has become a fitness goal for many. But (pun intended), let’s not forget that strong legs are just as important for a well-balanced physique.
In this blog post, we’re about to dive into the ultimate leg and glute workout that will leave you feeling confident, strong, and bootylicious.
Say goodbye 👋 to the pancake butt and hello to your very own peachy behind.
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The Warm-up
Before we start sculpting those glutes and legs, it’s essential to warm up properly by prepping for the movements you’re about to do.
Spend about 5 minutes doing bodyweight dynamic stretches and light cardio exercises to get your blood flowing and muscles ready for action.
In addition, you can also start with a lighter warm-up weight on the first movements in Block 1 below, just to make sure you are primed and ready.
~The Bootylicious Leg and Glute Workout~
Block 1 (3 sets)
Lateral Band Walks with Mini Band (I recommend these mini bands)
-30 seconds/side
-The lower on the legs you put the band, the harder
-30 seconds
Split Squat (I recommend these dumbbells)
30 seconds/side
Block 2 (3 sets)
Dumbbell Front Squat (I recommend these dumbbells)
-45 seconds
Lateral Lunge
-30 seconds/side
Squat Jump (no weight added)
-20 seconds
Block 3 (3 sets)
Barbell Hip Thrust (This barbell is great, you can just connect it to your dumbbells)
50 seconds
Elevated Single Leg Glute Bridge (no weight added)
30 seconds/side
For all the weighted exercises above, you want to choose a weight that is challenging, but not difficult. You should be able to complete the movements while keeping proper form throughout.
If you can’t, then choose a lighter weight at first and you can work your way up to heavier weights. There‘s no shame in starting with bodyweight-only if you’re a beginner.
Always feel free to contact me with my contact form to ask me questions on any of the exercises above, or anything at all!
The Cool-down
After this intense workout, don’t forget to cool down and stretch. I like to cool down with some zone 2 cardio, like walking, for about 20 minutes. Learn more about zone 2 cardio here.
For stretches, focus on your hamstrings, quads, and glutes to promote flexibility and reduce post-workout soreness. I love to use this stretch strap to help me get a deeper, more effective stretch.
Achieving that peach emoji-worthy booty and strong, toned legs is within your reach with the right workout routine. Consistency is key, so make this leg and glute workout a regular part of your fitness regimen.
Remember to fuel your body with the right nutrition to support your gains, and soon you’ll be strutting your stuff with confidence, wearing this shirt, both in and out of your favorite pair of jeans! 😉
Disclaimer: Prior to starting any new workout program, consult with a healthcare provider, especially if you have underlying medical conditions or concerns.